Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Spam/Forwarded crap

Just to be clear, this blog is not going to turn into something where I rant about all minor, yet irritating things that go on in my life. But since I lost nearly every amount of inspiration that would be necessary to write (type?) about something good, I've chosen this first post to be about how fucking annoying forwarded texts are. And I don't mean the forwarded texts that my friends send me from people they're fighting with and asking me how to reply back. No. I'm talking about the annoying "you're my best friend and I love you forever send this to 15 people and hopefully you send it back to me" types of texts. What's even worse is the ones where the forward actually sorta threatens you with something, usually bad luck. I believe in karma and whatnot, but I certainly hope that no one believes that your life will be ruined by not passing on that shit to your friends. I mean, the email version was annoying enough, but now my phone is invaded too? Not to mention, it's sort of a letdown when I open the text someone sent me to find out that it's not anything worth really looking at. When I take the time in class to be distracted by my phone, it better be for something good. I understand that the forwards are usually very sweet and tell me how great I am, but if my friends think I'm a good person, they can just text me in their own words. And anyways, the fact that the people who send me those cute, sweet, adorable text messages are people that I rarely talk to anymore kinda takes away from the sentimental value from them.

**** I really like pro liberal political humor so to anyone that sends me that, that's completely fine. This isn't a tirade against all forwards. Just the stupid ones.

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