Sunday, November 7, 2010

My thoughts.

I do not think that I could write about one specific thing on my mind and have it be long enough to look like a decent blog post so here's a few:

1. I feel a small amount of pressure to dress either more feminine or masculine to develop either a femme or butch identity. I'm leaning on trying to dress more feminine since I plan on wearing my hair long (I like it long) and I rather like the way that women's clothes look and a lot of them are rather quite pretty. Part of me, however, thinks that some men's clothes fit my body better (I have broad shoulders so some women's clothes can be too tight in the shoulder/chest area) and the shirts and sleeves tend (they're not always) to be longer and short shirts are kind of a major pet peeve of mine. Also, I really like the more preppier men's clothing (argyle sweater vests) but I guess they sell those in the women's section so I could just wear that. Decisions, decisions. Maybe I'll experiment a little?

2. I think I'm becoming a little more against organized religion. I just have somewhat of a hard time believing that the pope, the archbishops, and the priests say is really what God thinks. How do they know? Last time I checked they were human, not demigods. I understand they all studied religion very thoroughly, but to err is human and I don't think that anyone can know for certain what God wants, no matter how much they study the Bible (And yes, I understand that I could be wrong since no one really does know what God thinks). Also, I have a problem with reconciliation. I don't think that you need to ask forgiveness from a priest necessarily to be forgiven. I think all you have to do is tell God that you're sorry and be genuinely sorry for whatever wrongs you may have done. And finally, I think the money they spent on to mail about 400,000 anti same-sex marriage DVDs to various Catholic families in MN (I got one) could've been used towards a more noble cause.

3. As I continue making more homemade cards than buying the ones in the store, I'm beginning to think that I will try not to ever buy greeting cards again. I think cards are more special if they're homemade because more feeling goes into them. It's more personal. The card that you give to whoever you're giving it to is made for them and no one else. Especially cards you're giving to your significant other. Who would rather have something that the person at the card making factory thought of saying than something that their own lover thought of saying to them? It's really much sweeter. Plus, the designs that you can make yourself can be SO much cooler than the ones in the store.

1 comment:

  1. I want to start making homemade cards, that's really cool!

    And organized religion-I've battled with my own thoughts on the subject quite a bit. It used to be such a big deal in my life, like I actively resisted anything that seemed Christian and denounced church/God/beliefs/etc. I've come to terms with my religiosity though; it is the opiate of the masses, but it also gives people meaning. The world is scary and huge. If religion relieves some of that anxiety and isn't used to oppress people (like it all too often is) then I don't have any problem with it.
